Friday, December 7, 2007

Scott's Survivor Video Outakes - Hockey Style

Man, this video was horrible. You'll see it all later, but for now, here is the hockey outtakes of Bryan wacking into me over and over again while Steve videotaped it.

Just a horrid sight :).

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Pick

turkey day. The day Bryan made history.

Monday, November 26, 2007

2001 X Mas Par-tay

So I was going through old photos and found some really crappy quality images. I know that the group of us haven't really been together since because Joy and Bill moved to San Diego a few years back and life gets in the way, but I truly had a good time. Apologies ahead of time for the crappy layout. 10 year olds could post a better blog layout then me.

Rollover the images for the highlights of the blog!

My Wife is hot! Bryan and Steve wondering what the hell they are doing here. Tim and Erin as Steve watches Joy and Bill before they moved. I miss you guys! The Internet Police calling. They want thier good blog post back.